


Added: Object/array support and numerous minor changes to make this possible.
Added: Support for While(expression) with no delimiting space.
Added: Trim, LTrim, RTrim.
Added: A ~= B; equivalent to RegExMatch(A, B). May be removed in a future revision.
Fixed: An incompatibility with LowLevel.
Changed: Characters [, ] and ? are no longer valid in variable names. Consequently, ? (ternary) no longer requires a space on either side.
Changed: Optional parameters may now be omitted at any position in the parameter list of a non-dynamic function call. Since this works by automatically inserting the parameter's default value at load-time, it is not supported or allowed for dynamic function-calls.
Debugger: Various minor changes to make program flow easier to follow while stepping through code.
Optimization: If DllCall's first parameter is a literal string which identifies a function already present in memory, it is replaced with the actual address of the function.
Updated from v1.0.48.03 to v1.0.48.04.
「AutoHotkey_L (Lexikos' custom build) - AutoHotkey Community」
